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Jason Altschuler

Jason Altschuler

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science

optimization, probability, machine learning, mathematics of data science, optimal transport

Statistics and Data Science, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Ron Anafi

Ron Anafi

Assistant Professor of Medicine

The influence of sleep and circadian biology on physiology and disease.

Penn Medicine/Sleep Medicine (DM)

Paulo E. Arratia

Paulo E. Arratia


Fluid Dynamics, BiophysicsActive & Soft Matter

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Ian J. Barnett

Ian J. Barnett

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

Mental health, mobile health, genomics


John L. Bassani

John L. Bassani


Continuum Mechanics

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering

Dani Smith Bassett

Dani Smith Bassett

J. Peter Skirkanich Professor

Complex networks, graph theory, neuroimaging, applied mathematics, bioengineering, physics, neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, learning, fMRI, EEG, MEG, MRI, ECoG, DTI, DSI, network science, statistics, machine learning.

Bioengineering & Electrical and Systems Engineering (SEAS)

Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya

Bhaswar B. Bhattacharya

Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Associate Professor of Mathematics (secondary appointment)

Nonparametric statistics, distribution-free inference, networks analysis, graphical models, statistical learning, combinatorial probability, discrete and computational geometry

Department of Statistics and Data Science, Department of Mathematics (Secondary)

T. Tony Cai

T. Tony Cai

Daniel H. Silberberg Professor, Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Statistical machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, large-scale inference, functional data analysis, statistical decision theory, applications to genomics and financial econometrics

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Pablo Gonzalez Camara

Pablo Gonzalez Camara

Assistant Professor

Computational biology, genomics, applied geometry, topological data analysis

Department of Genetics, Institute for Biomedical Informatics, Center for AI and Data Science for Integrated Diagnostics

Pratik Chaudhari

Pratik Chaudhari

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering & Computer and Information Science

theoretical deep learning; robotics; computer vision

Electrical & Systems Engineering (SEAS)

Yong Chen

Yong Chen

Professor of Biostatistics

Real-world data, Clinical evidence generation, Evidence synthesis, Learning health system, Data privacy and confidentiality, Evidence-based Medicine, Statistical Inference.

Biostatistics Engineering (BE)

Yuxin Chen

Yuxin Chen

Associate Professor

Statistics, optimization, machine learning

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Christos Davatzikos

Christos Davatzikos

Wallace T. Miller Sr. Professor of Radiology, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Biomedical Image Analysis, Machine learning in Imaging, Imaging Biomarkers of Neurologic and Neuropsychiatric Diseases.

Radiology (Penn Medicine)

Anindya De

Anindya De

Associate Professor

Boolean function analysis; Complexity theory; Learning theory

Computer & Information Science (CIS)

Edgar Dobriban

Edgar Dobriban

Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Secondary appointment in Computer and Information Science

Statistics and machine learning

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Eric Eaton

Eric Eaton

Research Associate Professor

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data mining with applications to robotics, search & rescue, environmental sustainability, and medicine

Computer & Information Science (CIS)(GRASP)

Nader Engheta

Nader Engheta

H. Nedwill Ramsey Professor

Optics, Metamaterials, Electrodynamics, Microwaves, Photonics, Nano-optics, graphene photonics, imaging and sensing

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

James Gee

James Gee

Professor of Radiologic Science in Radiology

Radiology (Penn Medicine)

Robert Ghrist

Robert Ghrist

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

applied topology, topological data analysis, data science, social information, distributed algorithms, dynamical systems

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Joao Gomes

Joao Gomes


Macroeconomics and financial markets, quantitative corporate finance, corporate investment and financing

Finance Department (FIN)(Wharton)

Phillip Gressman

Phillip Gressman

Professor Mathematics

Harmonic analysis and PDEs

Mathematics Department

Hamed Hassani

Hamed Hassani

Associate Professor

Machine Learning, Information Theory

Electrical & Systems Engineering (SEAS)

Jiaoyang Huang

Jiaoyang Huang

Assistant Professor

Random matrix theory, random graphs, interacting particle systems, optimization of deep neural networks, posterior sampling, and uncertainty quantification of large scale inverse problems.

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Jing Huang

Jing Huang

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

Research focuses on methodology development to understand the dynamics of disease activities and inform health management using multivariate longitudinal health data.

Perelman School of Medicine & Epidemiology and Informatics

Ryan Hynd

Ryan Hynd

Associate Professor

Partial differential equations, applied analysis


Jin Jin

Jin Jin

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

Bayesian Modeling, statistical genetics, predictive modeling, data integration, health equity

Mathematics Department

Eugene Katsevich

Eugene Katsevich

Assistant Professor

Statistical methodology; high-dimensional statistics; conditional independence testing; applications to genomics; single-cell CRISPR screens; computing; software development

Department of Statistics and Data Science

Junhyong Kim

Junhyong Kim

Christopher Browne Distinguished Professor of Biology

Single cell biology, evolutionary biology, algebraic statistics, machine learning

Department of Biology and Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Hongzhe Li (Lee)

Hongzhe Li (Lee)

Perelman Professor in Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics

Statistical genetics and genomics, family-based genetic linkage and association analysis, admixture mapping, genome-wide association analysis, analysis of microarray time course gene expression data, high dimensional regression analysis for genomic data, copy number variation analysis, and methods for analysis of next generation sequence data

Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Mingyao Li

Mingyao Li

Professor of Biostatistics

Statistical genomics, machine learning, pathology imaging

Biostatistics Epidemiology & Informatics (DBEI)

Mark Liberman

Mark Liberman


Corpus-based phonetics, legal, medical and political applications of linguistic analysis, the phonology and phonetics of lexical tone, and its relationship to intonation, formal models for linguistic annotation

Computer Information Science (CIS)

Qi Long

Qi Long


Statistical and machine learning methods for analysis of big, complex health data including -omics, EHR), imaging data, mHealth data; missing data; causal inference; data privacy; bias and fairness in AI for medicine; Bayesian methods; nonparametric and semi-parametric methods.

Biostatistics Epidemiology & Informatics (DBEI)

Irina Marinov

Irina Marinov

Associate Professor

Climate modeling, oceans, satellite, climate dynamics, big data

Earth & Environmental Science (EES)

Vadim Markel

Vadim Markel

Associate Professor of Radiology

Inverse problems, Imaging, Optics, Electromagnetic theory

Radiology (Penn Medicine)

Yoichiro  Mori

Yoichiro Mori

Calabi-Simons Professor in Mathematics and Biology

Mathematical Physiology and Biophysics, Analysis and Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems.

Mathematics & Biology (AMCS Chair)

George Pappas

George Pappas

UPS Foundation Professor

Control systems, robotics, machine learning

Electrical & Systems Engineering (SEAS)(GRASP)

Robin Pemantle

Robin Pemantle

Merriam Term Professor of Mathematics

probability, combinatorics

Mathematics (primary), Statistics (secondary), Computer Science (secondary)

Paris Perdikaris

Paris Perdikaris

Associate Professor

– –

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Joshua Plotkin

Joshua Plotkin

Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor of Natural Sciences

evolutionary theory, population dynamics

Department of Biology

Pedro Ponte-Castañeda

Pedro Ponte-Castañeda


continuum mechanics; composite materials; fluid suspensions; material instabilities; multi-physics; variational methods

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Mathematics (secondary)

Victor M. Preciado

Victor M. Preciado

Associate Professor

Complex networks, Machine learning, Dynamical systems

Departments of Electrical & Systems Engineering and Computer & Information Science

Prashant Purohit

Prashant Purohit


Fracture of blood clots, mechanics of DNA. statistical mechanics of filaments and networks.

Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics (MEAM)

Ravi Radhakrishnan

Ravi Radhakrishnan

Professor and Chair of Bioengineering and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

AI enabled physics-based models for engineering health

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Zhimei Ren

Zhimei Ren

Assistant Professor

Distribution-free inference, multiple hypothesis testing, data-driven decision-making, causal inference, survival analysis

Statistics and Data Science

Aaron Roth

Aaron Roth

Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science

Machine Learning Theory, Algorithmic Game Theory, Algorithmic Fairness, Differential Privacy

Computer & Information Science (CIS)

Dan Roth

Dan Roth

Eduardo D. Glandt Distinguished Professor

Machine learning and inference methods, natural language understanding, fundamental questions in learning and inference and how they interact, constrained conditional models, an integer linear programming formulation, incidental supervision, declarative Learning Based Programming language

Computer & Information Science (CIS)

Li Shen

Li Shen

Professor of Informatics in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Medical image computing, biomedical informatics, machine learning, network science, imaging genomics, multi-omics and systems biology, Alzheimer’s disease, and big data science in biomedicine

Biostatistics Engineering (BE)

Dylan Small

Dylan Small

Universal Furniture Professor, Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Universal Furniture Professor, Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Statistics (STAT)(Wharton)

Kent Smetters

Kent Smetters


Applied theory, computational economic, risk, macroeconomics, public economics

Business Economics & Public Policy (Wharton)

Robert Strain

Robert Strain

Professor of Mathematics

– –

Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science graduate program

Weijie Su

Weijie Su

Associate Professor

Machine Learning, Large Language Model, Differential Privacy, High-Dimensional Statistics, Optimization, Deep Learning Theory

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Kai Tan

Kai Tan

Richard & Sheila Sanford Professor

Genomics, image analysis, machine learning, network science, and big data science in biomedicine

Departments of Pediatrics, Cell & Dev Biology, Genetics, Center for Single Cell Biology

Nat Trask

Nat Trask

Associate Professor

– – –

Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

Hugo N. Ulloa

Hugo N. Ulloa

Assistant Professor

Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics: Mechanically and buoyancy driven flows in rotating and stratified environments, Flows in confined geophysical environments, Suspended and dissolved tracer dynamics in aquatic systems.

Earth & Environmental Science (EES)

Lyle Ungar

Lyle Ungar


Natural language processing, machine learning, psychology

Computer & Information Science (CIS)

René Vidal

René Vidal

Rachleff University Professor

Deep learning theory, non-convex optimization, subspace learning, clustering, sparse representation

ESE, SEAS, Radiology

Rakesh Vohra

Rakesh Vohra

George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor

Game Theory, Mechanism Design

Department of Economics, Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering

Erik Waingarten

Erik Waingarten

Assistant Professor

Algorithms for massive datasets, with a focus on similarity search, streaming/sketching, property testing, and distribution testing

Computer & Information Science (CIS)

Kai  Wang

Kai Wang

Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

bioinformatics, genomics, deep learning, long-read sequencing, electronic health records

Penn Medicine

Abraham Wyner

Abraham Wyner


Applied Statistics, Machine Learning, Sports Analytics, Information Theory

Statistics (STAT)(Wharton)

Nancy Zhang

Nancy Zhang


Genomics, change-point methods, empirical bayes estimation, model and variable selection, scan statistics, statistical modeling

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)

Bingxin Zhao

Bingxin Zhao

Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science

statistical methods & applications to big data, high-dimensional statistics, biomedical & biological data science, environmental data science, and social data science

Statistics & Data Science (STAT)(Wharton)